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Stephen King on reading

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Stephen King on reading Empty Stephen King on reading

Post by Godiva83 May 16th 2008, 7:53 pm

A little cool excerpt taken from:

Stephen King on reading King

"...books are a uniquely portable magic. I usually listen to
one in the car (always unabridged; I think abridged audio-
books are the pits), and carry another wherever I go. You just
never know when you’ll want an escape hatch: mile-long
lines at tollbooth plazas, the fifteen minutes you have to
spend in the hall of some boring college building waiting for
your advisor (who’s got some yank-off in there threatening to
commit suicide because he/she is flunking Custom Kurm-
furling 101) to come out so you can get his signature on a
drop-card, airport boarding lounges, laundromats on rainy
afternoons, and the absolute worst, which is the doctor’s
office when the guy is running late and you have to wait half
an hour in order to have something sensitive mauled. At
such times I find a book vital. If I have to spend time in pur-
gatory before going to one place or the other, I guess I’ll be all
right as long as there’s a lending library (if there is it’s prob-
ably stocked with nothing but novels by Danielle Steel and
Chicken Soupbooks, ha-ha, joke’s on you, Steve)..."

Female Number of posts : 66
Location : México
Occupation : Enfant Terrible
Registration date : 2008-03-24

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Stephen King on reading Empty Re: Stephen King on reading

Post by isidore May 16th 2008, 9:36 pm

This is a great book by a great writer. Whenever he strays out of the horror genre I think he shines even brighter. For example, "Eyes of the Dragon" was his foray into fantasy, and it was quite entertaining and intriguing.
Liberman Basic
Liberman Basic

Male Number of posts : 29
Location : spes
Registration date : 2008-04-12

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Stephen King on reading Empty Re: Stephen King on reading

Post by Godiva83 May 17th 2008, 1:05 am

Have you read "On Writing"?

I just begun and it's marvelous. Hopefully I'll learn a thing or two.

I haven't read any non-horror from him, but funny enough what I enjoy the most about his books is not the "horrific" bits, but the endearing characters, the sense of humor, the sarcasm and even the romance. Smile

Female Number of posts : 66
Location : México
Occupation : Enfant Terrible
Registration date : 2008-03-24

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Stephen King on reading Empty Re: Stephen King on reading

Post by isidore May 17th 2008, 10:04 am

I've read bits and pieces of On Writing from a friend's copy. I agree with you that his characterization and wit fly higher than his outre situations and gore. Although I have to say that I love the weirdness too.

Which of his works (or parts of his works) did you find romantic?
Liberman Basic
Liberman Basic

Male Number of posts : 29
Location : spes
Registration date : 2008-04-12

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